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Add team to project allows project admins to manage the team inside a project, by inviting new members by email or adding existing members within the organization. Team members can have different roles within a project, to set the right permissions for each team member.

Admins can easily invite new members to the team by sending an email invite, which will give them access to the project and its associated tasks and issues. They can also add existing members within the organization to the team, which makes it easy to manage and collaborate with the team.

Each team member can be assigned different roles within the project, such as Admin, Member, Observer, or Approver, which allows for better organization and management of the team. Admins can set different permissions for each role, ensuring that each team member has the necessary access to complete their tasks. also provides built-in team communication tools for easy collaboration and communication within the team. This ensures that team members can easily communicate and collaborate on tasks and issues, which makes it easy to stay on top of the project and achieve goals.